How did you take care of yourself today? Maybe you spent the first 15 minutes after you woke up in meditation? Or you took a walk or jogged to clear your head before starting your workday?
Or maybe…you didn’t do anything to take care of yourself…to show yourself the love that you need and deserve. You may, in fact, do just the opposite. Instead of being your own best cheerleader, you may be your worst enemy.
Each and every soul on this Earth needs to feel love and to be loved. But, the harsh truth is, that love needs to start within. We need to begin the process of caring and loving ourselves first and foremost before we can love another.. Once we do that, the ripple effect just carries out into the world, touching those that feel it and lends its healing to the earth as well.
For me, I begin each day with the intention of being of service to others and sharing my unique gift with those I come in contact with throughout my day.
The practice of self-care allows us to begin healing the wounds of the past, by allowing ourselves to begin to let go of past hurts and bad experiences.
Everything that we do day in and day out starts with a thought. Our thoughts are the sparks that light the way for everything we do–good and bad.
Take some time when you wake up tomorrow morning and every morning thereafter and be KIND to yourself. Just take a few minutes and set the intention to be of service to others, by first, being of service to yourself.
Listen to my recent podcast interview with Kyrin Dunston of Her Brilliant Health, where I talk about how the mind has the ability to transform our lives.