Meridian points, according to Traditional Chinese medicine, are the pathways in the body that energy flows through. These meridians balance the flow of energy and help maintain the health of our bodies and minds. Any time these pathways are out of balance, the blockages can lead to physical or emotional disease and sickness.
You may be familiar with or have tried acupuncture, if you’ve had any kind of physical pain like headaches or back aches, Acupuncture uses needles to apply direct pressure to these energy points. But you may not be familiar with a psychological form of acupressure, which uses the same principles as acupuncture. EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique is a form of tapping with the fingertips, as opposed to the invasiveness of acupuncture’s needles.
By simply tapping the fingertips at the end points of the body’s energy meridians, the client is able to transfer energy onto the meridians on the head and chest area while they think about the specific problem and say positive affirmations.
People that have tried EFT say that tapping reduces their stress and negative emotions, restoring balance to the disrupted energy, and alleviating the symptoms that plagued them. The tapping sends signals to the parts of the brain that controls stress and releases any emotions trapped in your subconscious mind..
EFT has also been used to treat veterans and active military personnel that suffer from PTSD. A 2013 study showed that within a month of starting EFT, patients had significantly reduced their stress, while a 2016 study showed there was significant decrease of anxiety in patients that received EFT tapping.