“Allow yourself to see what you don’t allow yourself to see.”
–Milton H. Erickson
Hypnosis has been used to heal everything from anxiety, depression, fears, blocks, to smoking cessation, insomnia, and even healing from the nausea side effects of chemotherapy.
For over 150 years, doctors and psychiatrists have seen the benefits of hypnosis, which allows individuals to dive into the things that are hidden in their subconscious. The act of hypnosis removes all of our outside influences and allows us to see ourselves and our feelings at the most basic inner level.
Dolores Cannon and her husband took that one a step further.
In the 1960s, they discovered that hypnosis not only allows us to access our deepest emotions, it also provides us with the ability to access information from our past lives, our in-between lifetimes, and even the future of our present lifetime and beyond. We can channel our higher self or our subconscious, which she refers to as SC.
Her groundbreaking hypnosis method is called Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT®) and its foundation is Past Life Regression Therapy. In these sessions, individuals from any background, culture, or belief systems can tap into their higher selves to access life-changing information that helps in healing the individual on all levels; mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical.
During these hypnosis sessions, we are able to tap into the deepest level of hypnosis possible, the Theta brainwave (the Somnambulistic level of trance). We experience Theta brainwaves twice a day; early in the morning as our brains wake up and at night, right before we fall asleep. Tapping into these brainwaves is like accessing our brain’s hard-drive, and having access to the wisdom of our past, present, and future.
The QHHT® process is a safe and effective method that helps us bypass the chatter of the conscious/ego/Beta mind and supports us in obtaining unlimited wisdom from the Theta. Our higher self can uncover the cause of our mental, emotional, and physical obstacles, help us understand the lessons, and heal accordingly.
I am certified in the QHHT® process and have seen how powerful this healing modality can be. Set up a free consultation with me to learn more about how this technique can help you..