Maya Angelou said, “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” But, sometimes, no matter how hard we try, those creative juices stop flowing. That well of creativity is there inside of us, but no matter what we do, sometimes the well gets dried up and we end up feeling stuck and completely unmotivated.
It happens to all of us at one time or another. We’ve all been there; staring at a blank page or an empty canvas. These blocks can happen for a number of reasons.
Sometimes, a block comes from thinking too much. We can get trapped inside our own thoughts and listen to that inner critic. We shoot down ideas internally before we even put them out in the world and see where they might lead us.
Creativity can also push us out of our comfort zone. The essence of creativity is trying something new, coming up with an idea that is completely original. And when we do, we are forced to go in a direction we’ve never gone before and just the thought of that makes some people shut down and retreat from a new idea.
Creative blocks can leave us stuck for a very long time if we don’t do something about them, and the never ending cycle continues.
Perhaps it’s time to shake things up a bit and try something new to spark something inside of you. Create a ritual or routine that you can apply when you want to get that creativity energy flowing. A special room in your house filled with your favorite scents and music can be one of them, or a picnic table by your favorite lake that always puts you in the zone.
What if I told you that the answer to unlocking your creativity is hidden somewhere so simple, that you can practice it right from your home?
I’m talking about breathwork! I am teaching an online live class on March 1st to work specifically on creativity.
If you desire to awaken your creative self, you are welcome to join us!
To find out more information and to register, visit: