Have you noticed you feel better when you are around a body of water? Because water is therapeutic. It refreshes you both psychologically and physiologically. It’s been used as a mode of healing for thousands of years.
There are some real reasons for this. The human body itself is made up of about 60-70 percent water Also, the earth is comprised of about 70 percent water. We’re surrounded with it and by the way it feels, sounds, and looks, we are comforted by its presence. If you’ve been thinking about ways you can get more of this feeling into your life, here are a few ideas.
Begin the day with a big glass. Drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning is cleansing and great for your digestion. According to Ayurveda principles, when you warm up the water, it also helps your body and doesn’t deplete your digestive fire like cold water does. Adding ginger, lemon, or a stick of cinnamon also helps with digestion.
Use copper. Drinking from a copper cup gives a positive charge to the water which balances the body. Also, according to Ayurveda principles, it aids the body through this balance which heals wounds, fights illnesses like cancer, eases arthritis, and slows aging.
Rinse those sinuses. Add some salt to water and it makes a great rinsing tool for your nose. Using a neti pot, or another kind of nasal rinsing device, the water pushes up one nostril and out the other which helps you both avoid infection and breathe easier.
Purchase a water fountain. Having some kind of water fountain in or around your home is not only relaxing but serves other purposes, according to the principles of feng shui. Being exposed to constantly moving water in this way is also known to move energy and increase prosperity. Placing a fountain near your front door is especially known to keep good energy flowing.
Try a hot/cold plunge. Submersing yourself in ice cold water has become a recent trend. Did you know you could alternate between a hot and cold bath or shower to also increase your level of health? This action helps stimulate your circulation, increases lymphatic drainage, and boosts your immune system.
Float. Using a float tank is another way to experience the healing effects of water. If you can find one of these around you, take advantage of this enclosed tub filled with salt water. You’ll float there in complete sensory deprivation which releases tension on a physical, emotional, and mental level.
Maybe a coffee enema? Mix water with coffee to also speed up healing. These can even be administered from home with some guidance. The caffeine in the coffee causes enzymatic activity to increase, which in turn flushes toxins from the body. It also lowers inflammation, helps bowel function, and gives you more energy.
Get to an ocean. The saltwater in the ocean also helps draw out toxins from your body. Even just dipping your feet in the water will be beneficial. Being near a large body of water is known to help your body release serotonin, cope with stress, ease depression, and increase your energy.