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First Chakra: Getting to the Root of It All

Every house needs a stable foundation. If the foundation isn’t stable, it doesn’t matter what is built on it, it will collapse. A solid foundation is what holds up your house for years to come. The same is true with your first chakra, The Root Chakra.

This chakra, located at the very base of your spine, represents your earthly connection. It is the root of all your earthly interactions and experiences. Your Root Chakra is the foundation for your sense of safety and security as you walk through life on this planet.

The Root Chakra is made up of whatever grounds you in life, including the basic human needs of food, water, shelter, and safety. Many times, these are formed in childhood. Your family is who gives you that first foundation that you build on as you grow and mature. If you felt safe as an infant, you came to believe that the world is a trusted place and you built a foundation of security. However, if you had neglectful caregivers, you may feel insecure constantly and thus, have blockages in the very important first chakra.

When your first chakra is out of balance, you are likely to have anxiety disorders and physical manifestations such as problems in the colon, bladder, and eating disorders. Nourishment of the Root Chakra allows you to feel safe, stable, and secure. And the basic need of food becomes very important to help you maintain balance and build a strong foundation.

Here are a few things to do to help you build a strong Root Chakra:

  • Eat root vegetables, bone-in meats, eggs, and red foods like apples, tomatoes, and strawberries.
  • Take a walk on the earth barefoot.  Root Chakra is the earth chakra, so making that physical connection to the planet keeps you grounded physically and emotionally.
  • Meditate and use positive affirmations of self-love.
  • Get moving! Any physical activity, big and small, supports root chakra healing. When you feel your physical power, you feel more connected to your stable foundation.

I’m excited to share my new chakra healing course where I dive deep into each chakra and give you practical advice on how to balance your emotions and keep your chakras in alignment.

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Picture of Kristine Ovsepian, M.A., C.Ht.
Kristine Ovsepian, M.A., C.Ht.

As a gifted intuitive healer, best selling author, life coach, and hypnotherapist, I welcome all who are ready to begin their journey of healing with me. I have been working with Grammy-winning artists, actors, models, entrepreneurs, organizations and many others, who are ready to transform blocks and fears to inner peace, love, happiness, and prosperity.

Picture of Kristine Ovsepian, M.A., C.Ht.
Kristine Ovsepian, M.A., C.Ht.

As a gifted intuitive healer, best selling author, life coach, and hypnotherapist, I welcome all who are ready to begin their journey of healing with me. I have been working with Grammy-winning artists, actors, models, entrepreneurs, organizations and many others, who are ready to transform blocks and fears to inner peace, love, happiness, and prosperity.