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The Fourth Chakra: Getting to the Heart of Who You Are

Your body is made up of seven chakras- three upper and three lower, and right in the middle, connecting them all, is the Heart Chakra, the fourth chakra.

Our entire love connection to the world, other living things, and even ourselves flows from this sacred source, located in the lower center of our chest. 

From a physical sense, the fourth chakra is connected to the lungs, heart, shoulders, and chest. So, physical ailments will present themselves in these areas on your body if the heart chakra is blocked or unbalanced. On an emotional level, this chakra relates to self-acceptance and love and our relationships.

Our heart chakra allows us to understand the basic truth that everything on earth is connected. We can live our lives with an open heart that creates compassion and kindness in ourselves and inspires it in others. 

When we have a blockage in energy flow in our fourth chakra, we become angry, jealous, and full of self-loathing. It is not at all a good place to be for anyone. That energy will radiate out to others, and the world doesn’t need any more hate or negativity.

If your heart chakra seems blocked or out of balance, here are a few suggestions to help open your heart and get your emotional well being back on track:

  • Since the heart chakra is associated with the color green, add some green items to your wardrobe and decorate your home with green accents. Plants are a wonderful way to add greenery to your space and connect with nature at the same time.
  • Add more healthy green fruits and vegetables to your diet. Things like broccoli, cucumbers, green apples, avocados, and leafy greens. Green tea and herbs such as cilantro, basil, and thyme are also beneficial.
  • Leave yourself little notes on your computer screen or bathroom mirror to remind yourself that you are worthy. “I am loved.” or “My heart is open to love.” These, along with verbal affirmations, will open your heart to love and acceptance.
  • Air is the element of your heart chakra. So, breathwork can be the key to unblocking this chakra.

If you want to learn more about chakra healing, join me in my new 7-week Chakra Healing Program. Learn the keys to balance your energy anytime you need it from the comfort of your home.

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Picture of Kristine Ovsepian, M.A., C.Ht.
Kristine Ovsepian, M.A., C.Ht.

As a gifted intuitive healer, best selling author, life coach, and hypnotherapist, I welcome all who are ready to begin their journey of healing with me. I have been working with Grammy-winning artists, actors, models, entrepreneurs, organizations and many others, who are ready to transform blocks and fears to inner peace, love, happiness, and prosperity.

Picture of Kristine Ovsepian, M.A., C.Ht.
Kristine Ovsepian, M.A., C.Ht.

As a gifted intuitive healer, best selling author, life coach, and hypnotherapist, I welcome all who are ready to begin their journey of healing with me. I have been working with Grammy-winning artists, actors, models, entrepreneurs, organizations and many others, who are ready to transform blocks and fears to inner peace, love, happiness, and prosperity.