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Your Sacral Chakra: Reigniting that Spark

Are you finding joy and creativity hard to come by these days? 

I have heard from so many clients that they are feeling a loss of happiness and contentment, which in turn stops their creative flow. They have all this free time, as much of the world has been on pause the past few months, but they just can’t seem to find their mojo.

The feelings may be caused by a disturbance in your second or sacral chakra.

The sacral chakra is the center of your desires, creativity, and self-worth. And because it is located in your lower abdomen, near your reproductive organs, this chakra is all about sexuality and sensuality. 

An out-of-balance sacral chakra makes a person feel fear, depression, irritability, overwhelm, and a lack of creativity. The physical repercussions include sexual dysfunction or reproductive issues, lower back pain, constipation and pelvic pain. 

On the other hand, when your second chakra is in harmony, you are able to freely enjoy everything life has to offer and there is no limit on your creativity levels. You are able and willing to make connections with others and your inner self in a healthy and true manner..

If you are feeling blocks in your ability to create or connect, and think your sacral chakra is out of balance, try some of these ideas to get it and you moving in the right direction:

  • Connect with water, as it is the element of your sacral chakra. This can be something as simple as making sure you are drinking enough water. If you are able, take a long warm bath with an orange essential oil or go swimming in a natural water source.
  • Your sacral chakra radiates the color orange, so add orange foods to your diet. Examples include: apricots, oranges, blood oranges, mangoes, papayas, peaches, passion fruit, tangerines, carrots, orange peppers, orange squash, pumpkin, sweet potato/yam, and salmon.
  • Stimulate your creative juices. Creativity is personal; there’s no right way or wrong way to be creative. Try your hand at painting. Bake something you’ve always wanted to try. Watch a drawing tutorial online. Try something you’ve never tried before! 
  • Move those hips! Since your second chakra is located right below your belly button, any motion that opens up your hips helps to open up your chakra as well. Take a stab at belly dancing or add The Goddess Pose to your daily yoga routine.

If you want to take a deep dive into healing your sacral chakra and learn more about chakra healing, join me in my new 7-week Chakra Healing Program. Learn the keys to balance your energy anytime you need it from the contentment of your own home.

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Picture of Kristine Ovsepian, M.A., C.Ht.
Kristine Ovsepian, M.A., C.Ht.

As a gifted intuitive healer, best selling author, life coach, and hypnotherapist, I welcome all who are ready to begin their journey of healing with me. I have been working with Grammy-winning artists, actors, models, entrepreneurs, organizations and many others, who are ready to transform blocks and fears to inner peace, love, happiness, and prosperity.

Picture of Kristine Ovsepian, M.A., C.Ht.
Kristine Ovsepian, M.A., C.Ht.

As a gifted intuitive healer, best selling author, life coach, and hypnotherapist, I welcome all who are ready to begin their journey of healing with me. I have been working with Grammy-winning artists, actors, models, entrepreneurs, organizations and many others, who are ready to transform blocks and fears to inner peace, love, happiness, and prosperity.